Wednesday, November 26, 2008

So I ran the truck out of gas today on my way to work - yes, the big red beast. I know, how stupid can I be? I knew it was low so I took Rebecca to daycare first just in case... I ran in and ran out and booked it to the nearest station that had diesel. I was almost there when I felt it lug so I switched tanks really quick to see if I could get another quarter of a mile to the Wal Mart. Nope, it was empty too. So there I was still in the road, super! I waited for a few minutes but no one was feeling the Holiday spirit yet. So I pulled up my hypothetical bootstraps and thought " You can do this! " I hopped out and pushed. Nothing. I pushed harder. A little give. I pushed with all my might (pulling a butt muscle) and it finally started rolling. And rolling. And rolling till I realized that, hey idiot, you pulling back on the bumper isn't doing the trick. I ran around to the side of the truck and pulled the door open on the fly. It was one of those slow motion moments where I was flying through the air holding onto the door handle. I realized that I was about 10 feet from smashing full speed into someone's living room so I made a last moment lunge head first to the floor hoping to land somewhere near the brake pedal. I did - just as the truck smashed to a stop. Yippy. I didn't really want to peel myself up to see the damage but I did, and THANK GOD the steering wheel turned and I went sideways through the yard and hit a handrail instead of the house. I expected some old lady to peek through the blinds and then come running out in slippers and hair rollers to yell at me. After knocking on the door I saw a little sign that said it was a meeting place for the Baptist church on 27th. Oh boy. I didn't cry. Good for me hugh? I walked with wet hair shaking from adrenaline and the cold and made it to the fast food place in front of Wal Mart. The only thing left for me to do was to call my super hero, Lisa. I give her a quick summery of what happened and there was just silence... Um, sis, uncover the phone so I can hear you laughing at me!! So she and Robert came to rescue me while I sat there trying not to throw up. After some prayer and reflection I felt a little better so I called her back to see if they wanted anything from McDonalds since I was just sitting there being pathetic. I placed an order and waited some more. She finally called me back and asked again where I was - I told her the McDonalds in front of Wal Mart on 27th - can't be more specific without giving an address... Then I look down and see the BK on my hot chocolate. "Scratch that - I'm at the Burger King in front of Wal Mart on 27th" ."
Not the best start to my day! Oh well. At least I didn't hit the house or run myself over!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Grandma Morgan and her Reba - just
hanging out. We hope you feel better
soon grammy!

Ryan cut his hair off!! I'm so sad!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

This was in response to me walking in the
room! No one told me being a mommy could
be this good!!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Family is so good!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

We went to the Central Washington State
Fair and the Prosser Balloon Stampede in
the same day. Rebecca did great - Ryan and
I needed a nap!

My silly grammy is my favorite!!

Discovering Autumn.

We love show her all sorts of new things!!!

Aunt Lisa is the best, she took us to the fair.
Rebecca was so alert and wanted to see all
the animals!

The love of my life!! Shh, don't tell daddy...

This is Rebecca in the Bumbo Kelly let us borrow.
She loves to sit up and be with us wherever we are!

Our baby girl is 5 months already!! Halloween was so much fun - Rebecca was a strawberry, but Ryan made her bunny ears out of pipe-cleaners at the treat n truck at church.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

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