Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The beach!!!

I love the Oregon Coast!!! And having a motor home is so nice, I can't wait to go back!!!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

My baby is one!

Our lil princess was going through a rough time with separation anxiety before the big day so I didn't know how she would handle all the attention. Turns out she knows she's a little diva and loves it!! She had so much fun!! I made the tutu and a friend screen printed the onesie for us. She never let me put sunglasses or a hat on her until that day. She loved being all decked out. So here are her one year stats: 28" tall, 19.3 lbs and walking and climbing all over! She can say about 15 words and sign about 10. She understands SO much more than I ever would have given a one year old credit for - especially how to get to mommy's heart!! (The other angel in the picture with the pink boa is her cousin Kaitlyn)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Today is my birthday. The big 2-7. I don't mind being a year older, I've embraced the idea. And now that I have Rebecca, I don't need a big shin-dig or anything... But what happened to the warm fuzzies that are supposed to come on the big day? I can't wait for dinner tonight - we're doing the family thing. Maybe then it will feel a little more special :)

These are just some super cute pics of my girl!

November 21st my neice was born!!

Kaitlyn Anne Yeagley

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

It's been a while...

We went up to the mountains with Ryan's family and some friends to get a Christmas tree. Even though its still in the backyard and never got to fullfill it's glory - it was a fun trip. And it was the start to all our snow for the year.